Our patent department consists of Japanese patent attorneys who are familiar with not only Japanese practice but also foreign practice. Our attorneys have both excellent academic qualifications and industry knowledge. Our attorneys can speak English and Chinese fluently. Accordingly, we can communicate efficiently with our foreign clients.

We are always ready to respond to requests or questions that clients may have in relation to any design issues in Japan. If you have any such questions, please feel free to contact us via email or phone, or, upon request via email, we would be pleased to set up a web meeting to speak with you.

  • Profound knowledge and extensive experience
  • Excellent record in the rate of the patent granting
  • Fluent communication with foreign clients and patent examiner of Japanese Patent Office
  • Providing the added value

We provide the following services.

  • Pre-filing preparations(prior art search, patentability assessment, specification drafting, translation)
  • Filing and prosecuting patent applications and utility models
  • Filing requests for examination
  • Filing requests for accelerated examination
  • Patent oppositions
  • Patent invalidations
  • Administrative litigation
  • Patent monitoring searches
  • Patent infringement assessments
  • Prior art searches and patentability analysis
  • Freedom-to-operate (FTO) searches
  • Patent due diligence
  • Negotiation and drafting or review of agreements/contracts in patent licensing and technology transfer
  • Patent infringement litigation, administrative resolution, and customs protection
  • Annuities management
  • Patent strategy consultation


We understand that protection and enforcement of design innovation such as product design, package design, spatial design and image design is crucial for clients to build brand awareness. In Japan, wide range of design can be protected by design law. In addition, there exists unique system in design law to help clients build the brand awareness.

Our design department consists of Japanese attorneys who are familiar with not only Japanese practice but also foreign practice. Our attorneys can speak English and Chinese fluently. Accordingly, we can communicate design issues efficiently with our foreign clients.

We are always ready to respond to requests or questions that clients may have in relation to any trademark issues in Japan. If you have any such questions, please feel free to contact us via email or phone, or, upon request via email, we would be pleased to set up a web meeting to speak with you.

  • Profound knowledge and extensive experience
  • Strategic design protection and enforcement
  • Fluent communication with foreign clients and design examiner of Japanese Patent Office
  • Providing the added value

We provide the following services.

  • Pre-filing preparation (registrability and availability, and related search)
  • Filing and prosecuting design applications
  • Annuity management
  • Design enquiry and watching
  • Design revocation and administrative litigation
  • Opinion work on infringement of designs
  • Negotiation and drafting or review of agreements/contracts in design licensing and assignment
  • Design letter of warning, infringement litigation, administrative investigation and treatment, and design related legal services
  • Design border enforcement
  • Filing complaint with online platforms against design infringement
  • Design strategy consultation
  • Design due diligence


We understand that global trademark strategy is crucial for clients to enhance the value and role of their products, services and company.

Our trademark department consists of Japanese attorneys who are familiar with not only Japanese practice but also foreign practice. Our attorneys can speak English and Chinese fluently. Accordingly, we can communicate trademark issues efficiently with our foreign clients.

We are always ready to respond to requests or questions that clients may have in relation to any patent issues in Japan. If you have any such questions, please feel free to contact us via email or phone, or, upon request via email, we would be pleased to set up a web meeting to speak with you.

  • Profound knowledge and extensive experience
  • Excellent record in the success rate of the trademark third party observations and opposition
  • Fluent communication with foreign clients and trademark examiner of Japanese Patent Office
  • Providing the added value

We provide the following services.

  • Pre-filing preparation (registrability and availability analysis, use search and related search)
  • Filing and prosecuting trademark applications
  • Renewal prosecution
  • Trademark enquiry and watching
  • Trademark third party observations, opposition, revocation, and administrative litigation
  • Opinion work on infringement of trademarks
  • Negotiation and drafting or review of agreements/contracts in trademark licensing and assignment
  • Trademark letter of warning, infringement litigation, administrative investigation and treatment, and trademark related legal services
  • Trademark border enforcement
  • Filing complaint with online platforms against trademark infringement
  • Trademark and brand strategy consultation
  • Trademark due diligence


Our attorneys have excellent record as leading IP counsel in the industry, allowing them to strategically counsel and help protect your innovative technologies. We will work to ensure your IP portfolio is strong and enforceable while staying within your budget. We work closely with the Japanese Patent Office, which allows us to resolve issues and reach resolutions quickly. We also work with an extensive network of IP law firms in virtually all countries. We provide services including IP due diligence, life cycle management, IP strategy and litigation strategy.



Brands bring the following benefits to companies.

  • Differentiation of your products from other companies' (reduction of marketing, induction of repeat purchase)
  • Right to determine product prices (break away from price competitiveness)
  • Legal protection (IP rights including design rights and trademark rights)

Brand building is executed according to the following flow. The key to brand building is pursuing step 2.

  • step 1. Creating "brand identity"
  • step 2. Designing "brand elements" and "brand experience"
  • step 3. Instilling brand image in consumers' minds
  • step 4. Performing activities continually to match brand identity (step 1.) with brand elements and brand experience (step 2.) This is branding.

Prior to undertaking step 2., we recommend conducting market research in Japan. We analyze the results obtained from market research to accordingly design brand elements and brand experience.

Our attorneys support our foreign clients in brand building as brand managers in Japanese markets.

Market Search Examples
What do Japanese consumers value when buying this product?
How do Japanese consumers know about this product?
Do Japanese consumers want to buy a product that uses this trademark or a product that possesses this design?
Would sales of this product fall if the price of this product is raised?
